High quality labels are the way to success and customer satisfaction
More than ten years ago, such attention was not paid to labels as it is now, because companies were not obliged by such information rights, and even the awareness of customers was not so great. First of all, what mattered was the price and packaging, which still play a significant role in purchasing decisions. However, a growing tendency to increasingly rational and conscious shopping decisions has been visible, and therefore labels have become very important, and their refinement is simply necessary. Why can they contribute to the company’s success and how do they affect customer satisfaction?

Why have labels become so important?
It has been known for a long time that the packaging front and its colors must be carefully matched. Marketing specialists design them for specific clients, wanting to catch their eyes and arouse interest in the product. Currently, fewer and fewer people are guided only by such aspects – consumers reach for a visually attractive assortment, but before buying it, they usually look carefully at labels in search of relevant content. This is especially true for the food industry, where labels are a key element. This became particularly important with the introduction of harmonized label content by the European Union, thanks to which they meet the requirements of consumer rights. They are to be non-removable and properly placed, so choosing labels of good quality is very important.
The restrictions also apply to the content itself, which needs to be legible and understandable. Even the smallest labels must contain information about the name, net content, shelf life or possible allergens. Larger labels also require detailed composition and nutritional value, information about storage and use, or the manufacturer’s address, and for alcohols – also the country of origin and volume. In addition to the required elements, many manufacturers also decide on information about the share of individual nutrients of the product in the daily reference dose or the effect of such products on preparation of a balanced diet.
Growing consumer awareness
Currently, there is a high level of social awareness, which is also reflected in the ecological attitude of consumers, and the fact that more and more people want to eat the healthy way. For this reason, the customers themselves are also very demanding, and in various industries – they are currently not satisfied with trite information, because they expect that the label will include most of the desired information.
This awareness has increased with the legal obligation imposed on producers, but also with numerous information campaigns that put emphasis on that consumers should pay attention to the quality of the products they buy. Thus, in the sales process, the label currently plays an equally important role as the price or packaging – careful preparation should therefore be one of the priorities of every company that expects its customers’ satisfaction. Therefore, it is good to use good quality labels and prepare the content with a view to carefully and thoroughly informing consumers.
Additional persuasion tool
It should be kept in mind that labels are not only a means of information for companies that are supposed to affect customer satisfaction, but can also be a subtle persuasive element. The growing consumer requirements are not a problem for companies offering good quality products. In this situation, in addition to basic label information, it is worth placing additional content that will meet the needs of inquisitive buyers. These may be detailed specifications or, in the case of food products, accurate nutrition information, and the effect of products on shaping a balanced diet. Therefore, it is impossible to overestimate the role of the label – poor quality and poorly prepared, will only scare the consumer off. On the other hand, with high quality and high information value, it will additionally encourage consumers to buy and can measurably affect sales.
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